Hi, We’re David & Katie Reid and we have a passion to lavish the love of God on the servants of God so you can be refreshed to better fulfill the call of God on your life.
We know ministry is a hard job because we’ve been there. David planted and pastored a church for ten years. Katie was a busy wife, mom, and pastor’s wife leading the Women’s Ministry. We had some of the highest and lowest times of our marriage and lives being an undershepherd for God’s people.
In our full-time ministry experience, we had a front row seat to the amazing power of the Gospel to change lives through the work of a pastor sold out to his calling to undershepherd Jesus’ flock.
But we also weathered clinical depression, periods of burnout, church tragedies, economic downturns, leadership failures, loneliness, and the stress that full time ministry puts on raising a family. Through it all, we learned that Jesus is faithful to see us through every challenge. We experienced “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37).
In 2012, God led us to a new season, but He also gave us a burden summed up by one burning question: “Who pastors the pastor?”
David has a Master’s of Theology from Dallas Seminary (Th.M., 2002) and loves to talk shop with pastors. David serves as an engineering manager for Chick-fil-A and dabbles at a blog for engineers (www.leanu.info). For play, he loves family time, great movies, bicycling, and canoeing.
Katie has a Master’s in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University (M.A.P.C., 2018). She loves coffee talks with friends, the beach, and studying God’s Word. Katie loves to practice hospitality and create beautiful spaces. For play, nothing beats time with girlfriends.
David & Katie have been married 25 years and have three energetic children. Abbie is a first year University of Georgia student. Ben is into theatre and working on Eagle Scout. Rosie keeps us young and is into riding her bike.
We’re excited to host pastors and missionaries who need a time of refreshing. Come be refreshed!